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The Art of Resilience:
Overcoming Setbacks on the Road to Success

Setbacks and failures are an inevitable part of the journey, whether you’re an athlete training for the Olympics or an entrepreneur building a business. The challenges can seem impossible. But with resilience, you will bounce back and achieve your goals. 

As a former Olympian and current business leader and mentor, I’ve experienced my fair share of hurdles. The key is to embrace resilience, learn from your failures, and let them strengthen your resolve. This skill set serves me well as an entrepreneur. Here are some setbacks I’ve faced and the lessons I learned about resilience along the way.

My Olympic Dream Realized

Ever since I was young, growing up in Canada, it was my dream to compete at the Olympics. I set my sights on representing Canada at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics and winning a gold medal. 

I faced minor setbacks and injuries throughout my training, leading to the 1984 games. But thanks to hard work, determination, and resilience, I overcame these hurdles and stayed focused on my goal. 

I went through the Canadian Olympic trials process and secured my spot on the team. When I arrived at the Olympic Village in Los Angeles, it was the realization of a lifelong vision. Being there representing Canada and my Mohawk heritage after years of intense preparation was an incredible feeling.

I performed at my peak during the Olympic competition—all my hard work and perseverance through smaller challenges paid off. I won the gold medal in my event, achieving my ultimate Olympic dream. 

While the road was not without some bumps and bruises, the resilience I developed helped me stay the course. My more minor setbacks along the way made me mentally tough and shaped me into the Olympic champion I became. 

Competing at the Olympics, winning gold for Canada, and raising the eagle feather for my people were two of my life's greatest honours and accomplishments. The journey of achieving my purpose required commitment, resilience, and faith in my abilities.

Lessons from Business Setbacks 

I encountered new challenges when I retired from competition and started my entrepreneurial journey. Launching a business brings constant setbacks, from design flaws and production delays to marketing snafus.

Early on, I started what I thought was a fantastic project, only to discover severe defects issues during user testing. I had to scrap it and head back to the drawing board. It was tempting to give up, but my experiences as an athlete taught me resilience. I went through multiple design iterations until I got it right.

There were many other hurdles, like when a project got delayed before a big launch. Thanks to grit and creative problem-solving, we figured out a way to still make a splash at the event. 

While being an Olympian requires physical resilience, being an entrepreneur needs mental toughness. You must handle the emotional rollercoaster, from the highest highs to the lowest lows. Whenever I wanted to throw in the towel, I drew upon my resilience to bounce back quickly.

Over the years, I’ve appreciated failures and obstacles for their hidden growth opportunities. Each one makes me stronger and brings me one step closer to success. Thomas Edison once said, “I have not failed 10,000 times. I’ve successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work.” This quote perfectly sums up the resilient entrepreneur’s mindset.

Developing Your Resilience Muscle  

Resilience is not some fixed trait we either have or don’t have. Like a muscle, it can be strengthened over time. Here are five practical tips to build up your resilience muscle:

  1. Rewrite the narrative. The stories we tell ourselves can either limit us or empower us. When you face a setback, avoid negative self-talk like “I’m such a failure” or “I’ll never succeed.” Reframe the experience as an opportunity to learn and grow. Consider Michael Jordan saying, “And I took that personal.” 
  2. Adopt a growth mindset. People with a fixed mindset believe abilities are set in stone. Those with a growth mindset believe abilities are developed. Develop a growth mindset to turn failures into progress. 
  3. Nurture a Supportive Ecosystem: Surround yourself with positive individuals who share your vision. Whether it's mentors, friends, or colleagues, their belief in you can be a beacon during stormy times.
  4. Take care of yourself. Manage stress through exercise, meditation, rest, and healthy eating. Proper self-care will give you the energy and focus to overcome hurdles. 
  5. Gain wisdom from the experience. Reflect on what went wrong and what lessons you can take away. Is there something you’d do differently next time? Treat failures as data to inform your next steps.

Go for the Gold 

Whether as an athlete or entrepreneur, the only way to achieve lofty goals is by building resilience. Setbacks and failures will happen, but with resilience, you will get back up again and again - until you cross that finish line. 

I’ve drawn on my resilience throughout my Olympic journey and business career anytime I've been tested. Although the challenges were complex, resilience helped transform them into growth experiences. 

So, when you face an insurmountable obstacle, remember the power of resilience. Dig deep, shift your mindset, and use it to propel yourself forward. Resilience won't make the setbacks disappear, but it will allow you to move through them and accomplish your biggest goals.